Heat can be a serious challenge for people wanting to workout during the summer months. Heat related health conditions can derail your fitness routine and cause some long tern damage.
Here are a few ideas to help manage your summer fitness plan.
Taking a cold shower or jump in a cold river before you train can help regulate body temperature during your workout.
Water consumption is key to maintaining hydration, but if you are planning a longer training session you may want to add in some electrolytes or sports drinks.
The most important thing is to listen to your body and manage your relative intensity. Perhaps breaking up your workouts into smaller efforts throughout the day can help manage fatigue and overheating.
Changing your workouts to allow for outdoor activities during the summer months, can help maintain your fitness. Spending time in the forrest shade or in the water can regulate the temperature while exercising. Trying a new water sport or practicing your swimming technique can be a fun refreshing challenge.
Training in the early morning hours before the heat of the day can control body temperature. 10am - 3pm is known to be the hottest part of the day.
Have fun and stay cool REBELS.